You are allowed print or download parts of this website for personal use. In accordance with this notice and disclaimer, you may only copy downloaded or printed parts to others if you mention Hemlock as the source. We do not grant permission for (parts of) the content of this website to be included in a commercial document, on a commercial website or in any other commercial publication, without our prior written authorisation. Besides this you may not reproduce any part of this website or any other website without obtaining our prior written authorisation. These conditions and provisions (including the privacy policy on this website) are subject to and will be interpreted according to Dutch law.
The content of this website is exclusively intended to provide general information and information about our services. Even though we endeavour to ensure that all information on this website is accurate, we do not declare or guarantee (explicitly or implicitly) that it is complete, accurate or suitable for any particular purpose. We accept no liability for any errors or omissions. We point out that some of the information or details on this website may have been produced a considerable time ago.
No part of this website constitutes an actual offer of our services. All contracts for our services shall be agreed in writing. Accordingly we cannot be held liable for any loss and / or damage whatsoever arising from the use of this website and the information or data contained therein. In particular we cannot be held liable for loss of profits and / or contracts, loss of data, damage to your computer hardware or software, loss of transactions, loss of goodwill or reputation, loss of income, loss of expected savings, loss of business opportunities, loss of use and / or damage resulting from or in connection with this website or the information or data contained therein.
Liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation is not excluded. We do not endorse or approve the contents of any other website that is referred to or accessed through hyperlinks on this website, nor do we accept any liability whatsoever in connection with them.
The names, logos, icons and graphics used on this website in connection with or to indicate our products and / or services are the property of Hemlock Group BV, unless stated otherwise. Obtaining access to the information, images, logos, photos and audio and video excerpts on this website does not infer any permission to reproduce, transmit and / or distribute them in any form whatsoever or by any means whatsoever. If you wish to perform one of these activities, you must obtain our prior, written authorisation to do so.